SEC Filling

There are many types of forms a public company needs to file with the SEC (Securities Exchange Commission).

Regularly a company needs to file four times a year, once every quarter. The yearly report is called 10-K form and the quarterly report is called 10-Q form.

The 10-K gives a comprehensive summary of a company’s financial performance. This is not “annual report to shareholders,” which a company must send to its shareholders when it holds an annual meeting (though some companies combine the annual report and the 10-K into one document). The 10-K includes information such as company history, organizational structure, executive compensation, equity, subsidiaries, and audited financial statements, among other information.

The form 10-K must be filed within 60 days for large accelerated filers and accelerated filers or 90 days after the end of the fiscal quarter for all other registrants.

The 10-K contains financials audited by CPA registered under the PCAOB.

The 10-Q contains similar information to the annual form 10-K, however the information is generally less detailed, and the financial statements are generally unaudited. Information for the final quarter of a firm’s fiscal year is included in the 10-K, so only three 10-Q filings are made each year.

These reports generally compare last quarter to the current quarter and last year’s quarter to this year’s quarter. The SEC put this form in place to facilitate better informed investors. The form 10-Q must be filed within 40 days for large accelerated filers and accelerated filers or 45 days after the end of the fiscal quarter for all other registrants (formerly 45 days).

The 10-Q contains financials reviewed by CPA registered under the PCAOB.

ELKANA AMITAI CPA registered under the PCAOB, and eligible to file reports with the SEC provides audit and review services to companies who traded in the US.

Our experience of advising listed companies, combined with our position as one of the few practices with a full service offering in both Israel and the US, allows us to offer you a unique and cost-effective service at a transparent, fixed price.

If you would like to discuss how we can tailor this service to meet your company’s particular requirements, please contact us.