Our Services

At ELKANA AMITAI CPA, we provide a wide array of audit and assurance services. We offer our services to publicly and privately held businesses across a broad range of industries.

 Whether we’re working on an audit, a review, or a compilation, our risk-based approach to financial reporting begins with gaining an understanding of your business operations, risks, and internal control environment. We use our industry knowledge in tailoring audit plans and review processes so that we focus our efforts on the accounting issues that are most relevant to your business. At the core of our commitment to client service is open communication. In contrast to other firms, we manage our engagements with senior resources, which we believe enhances the efficiency of our engagements. We are registered with the Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (PCAOB).

Our services include:

  • Audit Financial reporting
  • Agreed upon procedures
  • Financial statement audits, reviews and compilations
  • Tax advisory
  • Israeli tax filling and compliance
  • Accounting advisory

Contact us today to request a consultation through our website to discuss your audit and assurance needs with our professionals.